Study Program Service (Studiengangservice Bau Geo Umwelt)
As a central contact point for all students, lecturers, and staff members of the KIT-Department of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences, we are available to answer organizational questions concerning the study programs and the study.
We are primarily responsible for:
- the clarification of problems with examination registrations
- the accounting of recognised and otherwise certified services
- the preparation of the course catalogue of the KIT-Department of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences
- the support in the administration of theses
On our website Advice and Service you will find links to detailed A-Z information for students and lecturers, general information about starting your studies and studying abroad, as well as contact details for other contact points such as the Academic advisors or the International Coordination.
Our opening hours
Monday and Thursday from 9 to 11 a.m.
For your concerns and individual appointments, you can reach us by e-mail.
Your contact persons
Carolin Juris, phone: +49 721 608-47061
E-mail: studiengangservice∂
Our services
The Study Program Service Bau-Geo-Umwelt offers the following services:
Organization of studies and teaching, control and monitoring functions in the study process
- customization of study plans
- clarification of problems with exam registrations
- booking of results
- registration for examinations by means of an examination sheet (only in special cases)
- assignment of unassigned credit as additional exam or key qualification
- assignment of master preferred services
- planning and coordination of courses, including room occupancy
- compilation of the University Calendar of our KIT-Department
- planning and coordination of exam dates for the Bachelor study program Civil Engineering
- administration and support for the administration of theses
- administration of conditional examinations
Support for examination boards and commissions
Participation in public relations work
- external presentation of the study programs at the KIT-Department
- student advertising, e.g. Study Information Day
Participation in central planning, administration and organisational tasks of the faculty and KIT
- planning and coordination of process flows and their further development
- Coordination of the KIT-PLUS procedures