Bachelor's program in Civil Engineering

Regular duration of studies: 6 semesters

ECTS credits: 180

Course language: German

with restricted admission: no

Study structure and contents

The Bachelor's program in Civil Engineering is structured in the two phases Basic Studies and Basic Subject Studies. The main focus of the basic studies is on teaching the engineering fundamentals such as mathematics, mechanics, building materials and theory of building materials, while the basic subject studies teach basic scientific knowledge, with the main focus on "Engineering Structures", "Water and Environment", "Mobility and Infrastructure", "Technology and Management in Construction" and "Geotechnical Engineering".

A professional internship is strongly recommended, even if it is not part of the curriculum. The internship can be done in companies in the construction industry or in engineering/planning offices which are involved in planning, construction or maintenance of construction measures. If the duration of the internship is at least 6 weeks, credits points can be given within the module Interdisciplinary Qualifications. The proof is provided in an internship report, which must include a description of the work carried out as well as a statement of the acquired interdisciplinary qualification.

The study program is completed with a Bachelor's thesis, for which a duration of three months is planned.

Übersicht Studiengänge Bauingenieurwesen am KIT


In a study conducted by the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE), professors in the field of civil engineering/environmental engineering were asked what requirements prospective students should meet for studying in their subject. The basic requirements for studying civil engineering are an affinity for mathematics / previous knowledge of mathematics, an affinity for the natural sciences and an interest in technology / basic technical understanding. In addition, abstract, logical, analytical thinking and disciplined learning and working, as well as willingness to learn or commitment and motivation are considered universal requirements for a degree course.
(Source: Requirement profiles for the subjects in the CHE university ranking from the perspective of a professor)


Online via the KIT Applicant Portal

The MHB contains important information about the study program that supplements the SPO. The central function is the compilation of module descriptions. There are also explanatory information on additional and master's preferential credits, KQ, internship

For students with start from winter semester 2017/18 (SPO 2017)
Module handbook (status: March 3, 2025) (Curriculum see module handbook, chapter 2) (pdf, 2.142 kB)

Courses and timetables, see course catalogue

Examination dates, see examination board Bachelor


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