From 01 December 2024 - 15 January 2025
you can apply via Mobility Online
for places in the WS 2025/26 and SS 2026.

Please inform yourself in advance and
familiarize yourself with the application procedure outlined below.

Erasmus+ Studies

ERASMUS+ is a program of the European Union with the aim of promoting student exchange within Europe. Students are given the opportunity to get to know the academic system of a foreign university and to benefit from its teaching and learning methods. Thereby an ERASMUS+ exchange offers many advantages:

  • Support in the preparation of your stay abroad
  • Support at the partner university
  • Exemption from tuition fees at the partner university
  • Free online language courses in all EU languages and/or low-cost intensive language courses at the partner university
  • Recognition of achievements made abroad
  • Mobility allowance of up to € 500 per month for additional costs incurred abroad

If you are interested, the International Students Office/ERASMUS+-team is your first contact at KIT. All Erasmus activities at KIT are coordinated there, such as the administrative implementation of the program, the management of financial resources and the payment of scholarships.

OUTGOING students can find general information about ERASMUS+ such as participation requirements, application procedures and deadlines, an overview of partner universities, etc. on the IStO website. In addition, once a month the IStO organizes Information sessions about ERASMUS+ explaining more detail on study abroad opportunities with the ERASMUS+ program, the application procedure, requirements and funding.

At the KIT-Department of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences, Ms. Angelika Fels is the first contact person for general questions and administrative matters. She can be reached at Erasmus Office, KIT-Department BGU, angelika.fels∂ phone +49 721 608-47245.

Additionally, there is an ERASMUS coordinator for each field of study, who maintains professional contact with the partner universities and can best provide information about individual partner universities and their study programs.
The faculty coordinator is also available for advise on your study plan (in addition to your mentor/only field of civil engineering).

Civil Engineering / Water Science & Engineering
Prof. Dr. Olivier Eiff, erasmus-civil∂, phone +49 721 608-42201

Applied Geosciences
Lisa Schäfer, lisa.schaefer∂, phone +49 721 608-44172

Geography and Geoecology
Dr. Florian Hogewind, florian.hogewind∂, phone +49 721 608-47849

Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Dr. Hendrik Andersen, hendrik.andersen∂, phone +49 721 608-42316

An exchange is only possible with an institution with an ERASMUS contract for the subjects of civil engineering, geo and environmental sciences.

The KIT-Department BGU currently has Erasmus partner universities in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden. Up to 3 universities can be selected. Information about the required language skills and the number of available places can be found in the list linked above.

At the IStO website you will find all partner universities of KIT as well as further information about the individual universities.


In principle, any student who is regularly enrolled at KIT in a degree program leading to a university degree (B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.) - regardless of nationality - is eligible to participate in the ERASMUS+ program. Enrollment is required both at the time of application and during the entire stay abroad.

Students who study at KIT for a limited period of time within the framework of exchange programs are excluded from participation in ERASMUS+.

In addition, the language in the host country should be mastered to the extent that it is possible to participate in the lectures in a meaningful way, i.e. at least at level B1. For more information on the required language level, please refer to the list of partner universities.

For Bachelor students

  • The application for an Erasmus exchange can be submitted at the end of the 3rd semester (within the above-mentioned internal application deadlines).
  • By the time of application, at least 48 ECTS of the first 2 subject semesters have been successfully completed, incl. all orientation exams.
  • Before the start of the stay abroad, an additional minimum of 24 ECTS have been successfully completed for each additional completed semester.
  • The average grade should be at least 2.5 (grade extract).
  • There should be no outstanding exam retakes.

For Master students

  • A semester abroad can be completed from the 1st master's semester onwards.
  • In this case, the application is still made during the Bachelor's degree. You will only receive an acceptance subject to continued enrollment at KIT for the master's degree.

1. Preparation

  • Familiarize yourself with the partner universities of our faculty.  
  • Select courses from at least 2 universities (max. 3) using the module handbooks, online course catalogs or course descriptions available on the homepage of the host university. Just like at KIT, you should select ca. 30 ECTS in each semester, which may also include language courses. Ask yourself which course work you would like to achieve abroad (e.g. compulsory/elective courses).
  • Fill out the Learning Agreement (please have one Learning Agreement for each university of your choice).
    Bachelor students Civil Engineering: Discuss the Learning Agreement with the academic advisor Dr.-Ing. Harald Schneider and let him sign the agreement in the appropriate section of the LA. If you are about to transfer to the master's program, please find a mentor ahead of time to discuss the direction of your study plan.
    Master students Civil Engineering: Meet with your mentor to discuss your preliminary study plan and possible recognition of your course work abroad, and have him/her sign the Learning Agreement.

2. Submission of application documents

From 1 December 2023, applications for the academic year 2024/25 can be submitted via the MobOn portal. Upload the following documents to the Mobilty Online Portal before the application deadline:
(In a first step, please fill in your personal data and send it. You will then receive a confirmation e-mail, after which you will be able to upload the documents.)

  1. Learning Agreements, completed as described above and - for civil engineering students - signed by the mentor.
  2. Letter of Motivation (for the department coordinator, max. 1-2 pages, in English or German. Refer to your CV, your academic career, the profile of the host university and your personal interest in the host country. Your language skills should also be mentioned. Concentrate on your 1st choice university, but include a small paragraph on your 2nd or 3rd choice as well). 
  3. Curriculum Vitae
  4. Current Transcript of Records 
  5. Bachelor Degree Certificate incl. Grades
  6. Abitur/High School Certificate 
  7. Language Certificate for the required level at the partner university(ies)
    (The language level required by the host university must be reached at the time of application to the host university. If you have not reached the required level at the time of your application with us, please indicate this in your letter of motivation - or on your current language certificate)

! Only complete application documents will be considered !!

3. Nomination at the partner university

  • After successful application you will be nominated by the IStO at your partner university. You will automatically receive an e-mail from erasmus-out does-not-exist.intl kit edu asking you to confirm your place in Mobility Online.
  • You will then have to submit the necessary documents for enrollment at the partner university on your own by the corresponding registration deadlines. We recommend that you check the deadlines on the website of the host university in advance so that you can submit the documents as quickly as possible. As a rule, in addition to information about your person, field of study, etc., the learning agreement is also required so that your study plan can be checked on site and any necessary corrections can be coordinated with you BEFORE the start of your stay.

Not all academic achievements gained abroad have to be credited. In general, credits can only be granted in accordance with the rules of the examination regulations and your study plan. Please clarify this matter together with your mentor or with the Bachelor's study coordinator in the process of your application.

As a rule, recognition is granted as an elective module, with or without a grade. Recognition as a compulsory module with a grade can only be achieved through an individual assessment of the examination performance by a KIT professor who teaches a comparable course. If you wish to have a course recognised as a compulsory module with a grade, it is essential that you clarify this with the relevant professors before you start your stay abroad.

To receive credit, you must contact the relevant examination board in the semester following your stay abroad, download the recognition forms from their websites and have them signed off by the responsible mentor or professor.

When can I apply?
It is only possible to apply for the next academic year. We accept applications from October (with start of the winter semester), application deadline is the end of January.
This means: if you want to go abroad in the WS 2023/24 or SS 2024, you must apply by the end of January 2023. You can still apply for remaining places for the SS 2024 until 01. July 2023. However, no ERASMUS mobility grant can be guaranteed for these exchanges, financing depends each year again on the available funding. 
What is a Learning Agreement?
The Learning Agreement is a study agreement that lists the courses you would like to take at the host university.
Please fill in the section "BEFORE THE MOBILITY" (information about yourself incl. table A (= study plan abroad) + table B (list of courses you want to have recognized at KIT). Discuss the course selection and possible recognition with your mentor. A separate Learning Agreement must be completed for each university of choice.
Can the Learning Agreement still be changed at the host university?
Yes, changes are usually possible without any problems.

It is common for deviations from the original Learning Agreement to occur on site. For this purpose there is a change form in the Learning Agreement in the section "DURING THE MOBILITY". You indicate in a table the courses you want to delete or add and have the new selection signed by both the coordinator on site and the coordinator at KIT.
How many ECTS do I have to complete abroad?
Basically, we expect you to complete about 30 ECTS per semester. In order to receive guaranteed funding, you must complete at least 20 ECTS. If you encounter problems regarding the number of ECTS during your stay abroad, please report this to the IStO immediately.
How much is the mobility grant?
The amount of the monthly mobility grant is based on country groups and varies annually. Please refer to the INTL homepage for current info. The grant is based on the price level of the host country and ranged between 330 € - 450 €/month (acad. year 2021/2022). For the academic year 2023/24 the mobility grant is expected to augment to 490 € - 600 €/month.
In addition, funding is not provided for the full duration of the stay. Currently, the maximum duration of support is 4-5 months for one semester (depending on the country) and 8-10 months for two semesters.
What language level is required?
As a rule, the partner universities expect foreign language skills at the B2 level for English-speaking and Scandinavian countries and B1 for the remaining countries by the start of the stay abroad.
When must the required language level be present?
Only existing language skills are considered for the ranking. In most cases, the language level of the lecture language required for the stay must be reached by the beginning of the stay. You can therefore still take language courses in the semester before your stay in order to acquire or refresh the necessary language skills. However, some partner universities require proof of sufficient language skills already at the time of application (beginning of March). Therefore, please check with your partner university in time for such requirements.
What counts as proof of language proficiency?
  • Graded courses from the KIT-Sprachenzentrum
    (In this case, please attach a separate sheet of language evidence and refer in it to the language course documented in the grade transcript. Mark this in color on the grade transcript)
  • DAAD Test Certificate (KIT-Sprachenzentrum) 
  • Official language certificates with indication of the language level achieved (CEFR) such as IELTS, TOEFL, DELF, Cambridge Certificate
  • The Abitur certificate is sufficient for the deparment-internal application as proof of a B2 level of English according to the European Framework of Reference if it shows that the language was also taken during the upper school and the average grade achieved in the course level including the Abitur examination is at least 10 points. For a C1 level, an average of at least 13 points must have been achieved.
What are the selection criteria?
The selection criteria are your grade point average (in the Bachelor's and, if applicable, Master's programs), taking into account the progress of your studies, your knowledge of the language of the country as well as the language of the lecture, motivation, personal commitment, completeness of the documents and submission on time.
How often can I participate in the Erasmus exchange?
You can receive funding for a maximum of 12 months in each of your Bachelor's and Master's programs. Please note that a stay abroad of 2 semesters can only be started in the winter semester.