Our study programs

Applied Geosciences

Sustainable use of the environment - on and underground

The basis of life for more than 8 billion people is only possible through the sustainable use of the underground.

Applied geoscientists are therefore in demand as experts for the future-oriented development, extraction, analysis and conservation of raw materials. This includes, in particular, the preservation of clean water and the supply of drinking water, research into alternative and environmentally friendly energy sources, the innovative storage of energy required for this, and the responsible recycling and disposal of materials.

Geoscientists are actively involved in shaping the raw materials cycle of the Earth's system and thus securing the future of mankind.


Eine Menschengruppe vor hexagonalen Säulen, die beim Abkühlen von basaltischer Magma entstehen.Agnes Kontny (KIT)

Civil Engineering

Building the environment sustainably - buildings and infrastructure to meet people's needs

Civil engineers plan, build and maintain buildings and infrastructure in an environmentally friendly, resource and energy efficient manner. They solve problems holistically, work in interdisciplinary teams, manage projects and communicate with all those involved.

Issues of technical environmental protection are also dealt with, such as noise protection or water and soil protection.

At our KIT-Department, civil engineers are trained in all subject areas of structural engineering, water and environment, mobility and infrastructure, technology and management in construction, and geotechnical engineering.


BaustelleTMB (KIT)

Geodesy and Geoinformatics

Organizing the environment sustainably - we provide the basis

Our society is changing - climate change, digitalisation, connectivity, automation and Big Data clearly show this. Everything happens on our planet, everything requires geodata.

Whether it is the observation of changes in the Earth's system, the monitoring of structural safety, the renewal of our energy supply (e.g. hydropower or geothermal energy), the prevention of natural disasters (e.g. tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, landslides) or the planning of innovative industrial plants - experts from the fields of geodesy and geoinformatics are on site.


Ein Mann, der mit Hilfe eines Gerätes Vermessungen vornimmt.Geodätisches Institut (KIT)


Protecting the environment sustainably - geoecologists look at the big picture

The Earth's system is being changed by man in a disastrous way. More than ever, it needs clever minds and skills to do something about it.

We provide the competences for this: Geoecologists are natural scientists who understand ecosystems in all their complexity. So we don't just look at a part of the systems, but at how people, climate, plants and animals, soils, water, etc. interact.

From this understanding we find solutions to environmental problems - locally and on a large scale. Geoecologists are in demand: among others, in local authorities, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), in industry and in environmental research.


Personen beim Betrachten von PflanzenChristoph Neff

Geography (teaching profession)

Teaching the environment - teachers educate for sustainable development

Geography links scientific questions with social problems. The focus is on current challenges such as the causes and effects of climate change or population growth and migration. Space plays a central role here. Geographers ask why things happen where and what consequences result for people and the environment. They provide the basis for sustainable spatial planning and possible solutions to spatial conflicts.

At our KIT-Department, geographers are trained in the subjets areas specialized knowledge in the field of human-environmental relations, geographical methodological competencies, and specialized didactic and educational knowledge.



Dozent, der Studierenden ein Schaubild an der Leinwand erklärt.IfGG

Regional Science

Regional Science is an empirically working science that analyses spatial structures and processes with the aim of organizing spatial uses in a compatible way, avoiding conflicts of use of space or developing adapted solutions for them. Its field of application is the spatial planning of all scales. It is based on a transdisciplinary approach using methods from the natural, social and engineering sciences. The special focus of the KIT Master's program in Karlsruhe is on the problems of underdeveloped regions of the global south.


Menschen, die zum Wasserholen anstehen.IfR (KIT)