
building 10.81Kay Dittner

Experience abroad is an important component of a qualified higher education. Subject-related studies and internships abroad require suitable partnerships with foreign universities, coordinated programs and teaching content. In order to provide students of our KIT-department with a wide range of offers, our departmental coordinators are there to advise and support outgoing students in preparing and implementing their subject- and study-related stay abroad. Incoming students as well as guest students are offered help for an easier start to their studies at KIT.

The KIT International Office provides advice to scientists and doctoral candidates.

Staff members also have the opportunity to train and exchange ideas at other universities. All information is available at the KIT International Office - in German only but the Erasmus+ program has information on staff mobility in English.

Building 10.81 K.D.
Incoming students & HELPDESK
Otto-Amman-Platz und Gebäude 10.81 K.D.
Outgoing students