Abbreviations found in classified / flat / apartment ads
You won't find the known BHK / Bathroom Hall Kitchen because 'halls' aren't considered to be living space. Instead you get "ZKB" for example. Here are further common abbreviations.
Abbreviation |
German meaning |
translation & explanation |
1ZBB |
1 Zimmer mit Bad und Balkon |
1 room, a bathroom and a balcony (=2 rooms) |
1ZKB |
1 Zimmer mit Küche und Bad |
1 room, a kitchen and a bathroom (=3 rooms) |
1 Zimmer mit Küche, Bad und Balkon oder Toilette extra |
1 room, a bathroom, a kitchen and a balcony (=3 rooms) or instead of ‘balcony’ it could mean a separate toilet which would otherwise be included in the bathroom. |
AA | Autoabstellplatz | parking space |
AB |
Altbau |
The house was built before 1950. Could mean tall rooms (4 metres high, think of heating costs) or be a hint on the amount of stairs you need to climb. |
App |
Apartment |
apartment |
bezugsf. | bezugsfertig | ready to move in. The flat may not have wallpaper, walls might not be painted, flooring might be missing (no carpets, laminate, tiling), might have no kitchen utilities. |
Bj. | Baujahr | the year the house was built |
BK | Betriebskosten | operating costs |
Balkon |
balcony |
BW (or BaWa) | Badewanne | bathtub |
bzb | bezugsbereit | available, you can move in immediately. |
Chiffre |
Chriffre |
Not an abbreviation but needs explaining as it’s common: instead of calling a phone number you must contact the newspaper under the Chiffre number and leave your contact details and the landlord will get back to you (or not). |
CT | Courtage, Maklerprovision | brokerage fee or commission |
DB |
Duschbad |
bathroom with a combined shower & bath |
DG |
Dachgeschoss |
attic / loft, a room or apartment on the very top floor, “under the roof”(roof=Dach) – probably only a few vertical walls - also see Man. |
DT | Dachterrasse | roof terrace - outdoor space on or at the same level as the attic/loft |
DU |
Dusche |
shower – so just a room with a shower, a sink is optional but probable |
EB | Erstbezug | first occupancy |
Einbauküche Gelegentlich auch: Ein Zimmer, Bad und Küche |
built-in or fitted kitchen. Less common: ‘one room, bathroom, kitchen’ if nothing else is mentioned |
EG |
Erdgeschoss |
ground floor |
E-hzg | Elektroheizung | electrical heaters |
Einliegerwohnung |
granny or lodger apartment, often in the basement with smaller and fewer windows |
Ethzg | Etagenheizung | heating system for the whole storey |
Etagenwohnung |
apartment - more than one apartment per storey |
Einzimmerwohnung |
1 room apartment – also see 1 ZKB |
FBH | Fussbodenheizung | underfloor heating |
Gge | Garage | garage |
GH | Gasheizung | gas heating |
GSP | Geschirrspüler | Dishwasher |
HK |
Heizkosten |
heating expenses |
HH, HTH | Hinterhaus | rear building, means the house has no direct access to the street and you’ll have to walk through the front house to get there – mainly no big deal |
Hausmeisterservice |
janitor service, as in the rubbish bins are taken care of, stairwells will be cleaned, snow will be removed |
JM | Jahresmiete | annual rent |
KA |
Karlsruhe |
Within Karlsruhe and suburbs |
Kaut.-> KT | Kaution | -> KT |
Kel | Keller | mainly an unheated, lockable space in the cellar |
KM |
Kaltmiete |
basic rent, this means heating, electricity, water will be charged extra |
KN, KoNi |
Kochnische |
kitchenette – this means no separate room for the kitchen. It will probably have a small fridge, two hot plates, a sink, running water. |
KT |
Kaution |
deposit - a fixed sum taken at the start of your tenancy by landlords or letting agents to cover damage, rent arrears, etc. and is typically around one to three months' rent. You will get this deposit back when you move out and haven't wrecked the place or are behind in rent |
Kü |
Küche |
kitchen |
L |
Lift |
lift |
lux. | luxuriöse Ausstattung | luxuriously furnished |
m. | mit | with / including |
Man | Mansarde | an attic/loft converted into a flat. Expect little to no vertical walls.In Karlsruhe's older buildings they can be quite spaceous. |
mbl. |
Möbliert |
furnished |
Monatskaltmiete |
monthly basic rent, also see KM |
MM |
Monatsmiete |
monthly rent |
NB | Neubau | newly built building |
NK |
Nebenkosten |
extra utility charges – such as electricity, water, heating, waste, maybe janitor. Make sure you know which costs are included and to which extent |
NKVZ | Nebenkostenvorauszahlung | advance payment of utility charges (see NK) |
NR |
Nichtraucher |
non-smokers only |
NSP | Nachtspeicherheizung | night storage heating system |
OG |
Obergeschoss |
upper floor, e.g. 2.OG would be the 2nd floor up – so there’s ground level, 1st floor then 2nd floor. |
OH/öZH | Ofenheizung /Ölzentralheizung | oven heating / central oil heating |
OT |
Ortsteil |
surrounding district, certain part of the town, not the direct centre |
ren. | renoviert | renovated |
rep.-bed. | reparaturbedürftig | in need of repairs |
Stpl. or Stellpl. | Stellplatz | parking space |
SZ |
Schlafzimmer |
bedroom |
Terr. | Terrasse | terrace, patio - a paved outdoor space |
TB / TLB |
Tageslichtbad |
bathroom with a window. German apartments often have interior bathrooms with an extractor but no window |
TG | Tiefgarage | underground car park |
UG |
Untergeschoss |
basement, expect fewer and smaller windows |
WaMa |
Waschmaschine |
washing machine |
Wohnberechtigungsschein |
certificate of eligibility to public housing, a document certifying a tenant’s financial hardship |
Wochenendpendler |
weekend commuters – these rooms/apartments are only available from Mon-Fri and must be vacated at the weekend |
Wfl. | Wohnfläche | living space - in square metres |
WG |
Wohngemeinschaft |
HMO (House of Multiple Occupancy) or flat-sharing community – of course very popular with students and one of the cheapest ways to live here in Karlsruhe. If you want to start your own WG make sure the landlady/lord allows it. Subletting might be a problem. Existing WGs, on the other hand, are no problem and are a fun way to experience other cultures or dive into the German way of life. |
Whg. |
Wohnung |
apartment |
WM |
Warmmiete |
rent including additional costs – see NK for details |
Wochenendheimfahrer | Wochenendheimfahrer | this means a Monday-Friday = fractional let. You can occupy the room during the week and live elsewhere at the weekends. Not suitable for students unless you travel every weekend.
WoKü |
Wohnküche |
open living space with a kitchen. In this case the 'kitchen' could be anything from a small kitchenette with a small fridge, two hot plates and a sink up to a decent kitchen with a full row of kitchen appliances such as an oven, dishwasher, sink, four hot plates, drawers and shelves. |
ZB |
Zimmer mit Bad |
a room with its own bathroom – mainly in student hostels with a shared kitchen space. |
ZBB | Zimmer, Bad und Balkon | a room with its own bathroom and balcony |
ZD... | Zimmer, Dusche ... | a room with its own shower room... |
ZH |
Zentralheizung |
central heating |
Z or Zi |
Zimmer |
room |
Zhzg. | Zusatzheizung | additional heating |
Zimmer, Küche und Bad |
room, kitchen and bathroom, probably with a bath |
Zimmer, Küche und Dusche |
room, kitchen and bathroom with a shower – so no definitely bath |
zzgl. | zuzüglich | plus, additional, other costs |