Alumni issues

Transcripts / Certificates


If you want to send transcripts and/or certificates in sealed envelopes to other institutions or administrations, you will find the appropriate form on the SLE pages (of course there is a form for that!):

This is how you get there: follow the drop-down menu -> After Your Studies

Or simply follow

Diploma / Pre-Diploma

Here is the situation for those of you who completed degree programs with study and examination regulations from before the Bologna reform, i.e. which did not have the Bachelor or Master structure and modularization with assigned ECTS credits:
For the study programs before the Bologna Reform, there is no traceability of the study achievements in the individual semesters at KIT, so that no one can provide an overview similar to that provided by a "Transcript of Records". However, it is possible to have the "KIT Archive" send you certified copies of the study and examination regulations as well as the study plan and thus have the study regulations confirmed up to the time of the examinations . Your matriculation certificate and your diplomas can be certified, too. The fee for this is approximately €25.
Documents on intermediate examination certificates are usually not considered to be of historical value and therefore have not been archived in the KIT Archives. Therefore, KIT Archives cannot issue certified copies of your intermediate diploma. However, there is a small chance that documents related to your intermediate examination certificate are still available at KIT's Student Service Office.

KIT Archives can also prepare a qualification certificate for you in English. This will indicate your course of study/major, the start and end dates of your studies, and your degree with the date of graduation. The cost of this is approximately €30.

All services offered by the archive are listed here.

The KIT alumni network

Keep In Touch! is the KIT alumni network.