A separate commission (ad hoc commission) is set up by the KIT-Department to determine academic qualifications. The ad hoc commission is convened by the Department Board. Members of the ad hoc commission are at least five professors from at least four institutes of the KIT. The ad hoc commission meets within six weeks of the application being submitted. We therefore ask you to submit your application in good time at the beginning of the lecture period, as otherwise we cannot guarantee compliance with the deadlines specified in the relevant rules of procedure.

The following excerpts are from the KIT rules of procedure for establishment of the status "KIT Associate Fellow":

KIT attaches great importance to the promotion and recruitment of young scientists. Furthermore, the area of responsibility and the visibility of experienced scientists at KIT are to be strengthened. With this intention in mind, criteria and a procedure have been developed to give scientifically outstanding, independent (young) scientists who are not habilitated the opportunity to participate appropriately in doctoral procedures. This authorization should lead to the status "KIT Associate Fellow" and thus be established.

The KIT-Departments are responsible for the implementation of the procedure for awarding the status "KIT Associate Fellow" and the decision on this. Quality assurance is carried out by the KIT-Department.

  • (Young) scientists who, at the time of application
    • 1. have generally held a doctorate for at least two years and
    • 2. have not yet completed their habilitation and
    • 3. have generally been independently leading a (junior) research group for at least two further years, which includes at least two postgraduates (from Master's/Diploma level). Such junior research groups can be, in particular DFG Emmy Noether, HGF Junior Research Group, ERC Starting Grant, KIT Research Group.
  • (1) The status "KIT Associate Fellow" is awarded on the basis of a case-by-case assessment, in which in particular the performance in research and teaching as well as the scientific independence are assessed. Hereby the respective career stage is to be taken into account in the assessment.
  • (2) Criteria are:
    • 1. the relevant, independent research carried out to date,
    • 2. scientific expertise with sufficient subject-specific breadth and
    • 3. the willingness and ability to teach.
  • (3) Further criteria may be:
    • 1. independent acquisition of third-party funding,
    • 2. senior authorship of peer-reviewed publications,
    • 3. invitations to speak at conferences or workshops,
    • 4. awards and prizes,
    • 5. already registered property rights.
  • (4) The applicant must submit the following documents to the department management:
    • 1. curriculum vitae,
    • 2. list of publications,
    • 3. suitable evidence of fulfillment of the criteria listed in paragraph (2) and, if applicable, (3),
    • 4. if applicable, evidence of external KIT evaluations,
    • 5. a statement as to whether an application for the status "KIT Associate Fellow" has already been submitted in the past.
  • (4) The formal review of the application documents is carried out by the KIT-Department management. If the application documents are incomplete, the application will be rejected.
  • (5) The person concerned will be invited to an interview with the ad hoc commission to determine her/his academic qualifications. In addition, a presentation open to the KIT-Department may be requested.
  • (6) The final decision must be made no later than three months after the application has been submitted.
  • (1) The "KIT Associate Fellow" has the right to participate in doctoral procedures of scientists of his/her own (junior) research group.
  • (2) The participation consists of
    • 1. supervising the doctoral candidate,
    • 2. appointment as supervisor or co-supervisor,
    • 3. appointment as an examiner for the doctoral examination
  • (3) The "KIT Associate Fellow" is involved in a doctoral procedure as an additional supervisor or co-supervisor, so that a total of at least three reviewers are involved in the procedure. Accordingly, the "KIT Associate Fellow" participates in the doctoral procedure as an additional examiner.
  • (4) The "KIT Associate Fellow" should teach at least two weekly teaching hours (SWS).