Outgoing Students - studying abroad

Should I stay or should I go?
Of course the general recommendation is to go as there are plenty of reasons for studying or taking an internship abroad during your KIT-studies. Studying abroad
  • gives you insight into new cultures, learning systems & work fields
  • improves your language skills,
  • strengthens your intercultural competencies
  • and opens up new international networks.
In addition, your stay abroad will contribute to your personal development. Young professionals are faced with international competition in the globalised job market with intercultural competence becoming increasingly important.

The idea of spending one or two semesters abroad sounds simple in itself. But a study stay or an internship abroad is a big personal challenge for any individual. Apart from language barriers, there are many other factors to consider: the study achievements in the different countries must fit together so that they can be recognised towards your degree. Learning agreements are drawn up to ensure this. Most exchange programs offer help with accommodation, language courses, and subsidise travel costs. And they also have special offices and administrators to help you. 

No matter what motivates you, whether you are planning to spend study time in South America, experience a semester at another European university, write your thesis abroad, complete an internship around Europe or simply take part in a seminar at a foreign university: the KIT-Department of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences maintains numerous partnerships within Europe and around the world with which you can connect to other locations and plan study-related stays.
So take this chance and spend an unforgettable semester or two abroad. The world is your oyster.

Recommended time for studying abroad during your studies at KIT


We recommend studying abroad after the end of the 5th semester at the earliest, after successfully passing a large part of the examinations. Additional modules or an industrial training (coordinated via KOOR Best) can be completed abroad. Writing the Bachelor thesis abroad is only allowed in exceptional cases and only in consultation with a lecturer of the department.


Studying abroad during the Master's program is recommend for completing the technical supplementary subjects, additional subjects or the industrial training. Parts of the specialisation subjects or extended basics can be completed abroad, too. However, this must be agreed in advance with the person responsible for the specialisation subjects or, in the case of the extended fundamentals, with the lecturer. An examination schedule agreement is set and signed together with the learning agreement.

Which study achievements can I cover?


Electives and additional modules can be completed abroad, as well as the Bachelor's thesis in consultation with a department representative.


Studying abroad during the Master's program: we recommend technical supplementary subjects and additional subjects first. It is possible to complete parts of the specialisation subjects or extended basics abroad. However, please consult your person responsible for the specialisation subjects or, in the case of the extended fundamentals, with the lecturer in advance.

What about language problems?

Don't let the language get in your way. The KIT-Sprachenzentrum offers a wide range of language courses. And every students gets one free course per semester. ERASMUS students also get a free language course at their partner university.

How complicated is it?
Of course it involves a certain amount of administrative work - after all, you want everything to go smoothly when you switch back and forth between two university systems. The first step is always to think about what you would like to do and then to find out what options are available (see below).  We've roughly planned out the process at the bottom of this page. It has become a lot easier since the process has been digitalised: the Mobility Online Portal keeps you updated with how far your plans are, what you still need in a step-by-step order, and always lets you contact the people in charge if you have any questions.
So it's not as complicated as you might think...

Opportunities for outgoers

Students and staff at the KIT-Department of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences have several possibilities to follow up on studying abroad. General information on the programs is available via the International Students Office for all KIT students and staff. 

The website Studieren weltweit has lots of helpful information to start with and to get an idea of what other people have experienced during their time abroad.

European universities have developed various exchange programs to make it as easy as possible to pursue studies and internships abroad and therefore to promote exchange. Independent exchanges are possible, too:

ERASMUS+ studies

Study up to two semesters abroad around Europe

Erasmus Praktikum
ERASMUS+ internship

Take an internship abroad as part of your studies

Erasmus Internship
eucor Eucor

Five universities, three countries, one campus

Eucor (INTL)

MINTernship for KIT students

overseas Kay Dittner
oversea exchange programmes

scholarship-based exchange semesters abroad

freemover-outgoing Erasmus
free movers

Organise your exchange semester(s) in a non-European country on your own initiative

free movers