Short profile
Study structure and contents
In the Master's program Geodesy and Geoinformatics, the scientific qualifications acquired in the Bachelor's program are further deepened and individually supplemented. The course of studies consists of a balanced mixture of lectures, exercises and seminars. In the obligatory advanced subjects, students are introduced to a common level of performance. The profile areas integrated in the curriculum allow both specialisation according to the students' inclinations and a certain flexibility in order to be able to react appropriately to the changing requirements of the labour market.
The study program is concluded with the Master's thesis on a research-oriented topic, for which a period of six months is planned.
By choosing the appropriate modules in the structure, profile and supplementary areas, the Master's program can be completed entirely by attending courses held in English.
Online via the KIT Applicant Portal (link to German website)
Contact persons
Academic advisor
Dr.-Ing. Michael Mayer (michael.mayer∂
Dean of Studies
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Hinz (stefan.hinz∂
Student representatives Geodesy and Geoinformatics (Website in German)
Module handbooks
For students with start from winter semester 2023/24 (PO 2015)
Module handbook (German version) (as of October 10, 2024)
For students with start from winter semester 2011/12 (PO 2011)
Module handbook (German version)
Statutes and regulations
Auswahl- und Zulassungssatzung (German version)
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung (German version)
Courses, see course catalogue