For lecturers and employees

Information from A-Z


For all CAS students, theses are administered online. Please refer to the guideline concerning all details for this process:

Guideline Bachelor Theses Civil Engineering (pdf) (in German)
Guideline Master Theses Civil Engineering (pdf) (in German)

NEW: Provisionally passed
In order to enable students to transfer from a Bachelor's to a Master's program, for example, it is sometimes necessary to issue a so-called "4.0 certificate". This is also necessary in order to be able to create a title management certificate. Therefore, the new function "Provisionally passed" is available with immediate effect.

Conditional examinations

For all CAS students, the conditional examinations are administered online. For this purpose, they will be added to the student's schedule in advance by the performance coordinator.

Applying for roles in CAS

Staff members who require a role in CAS Campus should contact the authorisation officer, Dr. Andreas Kron, and, if necessary, agree with him which role in CAS is the most suitable. Further information can be found on the CAS Help page (in German).
The forms to apply for a role / a right can be found on this site under the tab "Forms and documents".

ILIAS Guest Accounts for Students

Students of an external institution who want to participate in courses at our KIT-Department can create a guest account for ILIAS. A registration code is required for this purpose. This code can be requested from the institute via the Study Program Service BGU. Please inform us about the number of required codes.

Additional accomplishments

Additional accomplishments can be individually added to the student's study plan, so that online administration of the examination is possible. The Study Program Service BGU is responsible for inserting them.

Forms and documents

Forms for requesting roles/rights in CAS

Right Examination Officer (pdf) (in German)
Role Examination Officer (pdf) (in German)
Role Examination Coordinator (pdf) (in German)
Rolle im Bewerbungs- und Zulassungsmanagement (pdf) (in German)

Guidelines Theses Civil Engineering

Guideline Bachelor Theses Civil Engineering (pdf) (in German)
Guideline Master Theses Civil Engineering (pdf) (in German)

Guideline Generative KI

Guideline Generative KI (pdf) (in German)

Information for new employees at the KIT-Department BGU
First IT steps
You are new at the KIT-Department BGU? For your start at your new workplace, the SCC is at your side with information on IT services, applications and offers.
Campus Management for Students (Student Portal)
The Campus Management Portal for Students (Student Portal) is the platform for students. It offers various IT services for self-service students (course catalogue, personal timetable, exam registration and deregistration, download of various certificates, etc.).
Campus Management System (CAS Campus)
The Campus Management System (CAS Campus) is the central information system at KIT for the management of all processes related to studying and teaching.
KIT-ILIAS (Learning Management System)
ILIAS is a web-based learning platform for creating and publishing digital teaching and learning materials for e-learning. In addition, ILIAS supports communication and cooperation among teachers and students, offers the creation and execution of online tests, exams and evaluations as well as the implementation of didactic structures for complete courses. The platform is available to all teachers and students at KIT, access is via, login is done with the KIT account.