Studying at the
KIT-Department of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences

The KIT-Department of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences (BGU) comprises the departments of Civil Engineering, Geosciences, Spatial Sciences as well as Geodesy and Geoinformatics. The study programs can be assigned to the Civil Engineering and Geosciences. In addition, some of them can also be assigned to the Environmental Sciences due to their strong reference to the environment.

Frau mit einer Infobroschüre in der Hand
Interested in studying?

Information for all who are interested in studying at our KIT-Department.

Laptop auf Tisch
Study start
Studierende im Hörsaal
Study programs

Information on the study programs offered by our KIT-Department.

zwei Personen mit Handys am Ohr
Advice and service

Contact to responsibles as well as documents for students and employees of our KIT-Department.


Answers and information about general questions about studying at KIT can be found on the pages of the KIT Student Service.

You are an international student and interested in studying at KIT or a KIT student who is interested in a stay abroad? Then the International Students Office is at your disposal.


German Ecodesign Award

The Federal Ministry for the Environment and the Federal Environment Agency award the German Ecodesign Award annually in cooperation with the International Design Center Berlin. The competition honors outstanding work in the four categories of product, service, concept and young talent that is convincing from an environmental and design perspective. It is aimed at companies of all sizes and sectors as well as students throughout Europe. We are looking for durable and recyclable products, processes and systems that contribute to the transformation towards greater sustainability.

The call for entries for the Federal Award 2025 starts on January 20 and ends on April 14. Registration for the competition is exclusively online.

zur Ausschreibung
Scholarship for Master's theses

KIT students who are writing part or all of their Master's thesis abroad can now apply for the Karlsruher Kreis e.V. scholarship. The scholarship includes a one-off amount of up to € 2,000 to reimburse the costs incurred in connection with the preparation of the Master's thesis abroad. After completion of the Master's thesis, the results are to be presented to the members of the Karlsruher Kreis e.V.. All costs incurred for this will be covered.

Applications can be sent to by May, 24, 2025 at the latest. Further information can be found in the call for applications.

zur Homepage
Intranet for students - All important information in one place

Whether it's the student portal, advice on organizing and financing your studies or the canteen menu, everything is just a few clicks away on the intranet. The most important information is bundled on the "Studying" page. You also have the option of creating your own individual dashboard with the services you use most frequently - for example ILIAS or the learning space reservation.

Another new feature is the newsfeed, which provides you with the latest news from KIT. You can also subscribe to topics relating to your studies and research that are of particular interest to you. Take a look at One login, everything inside.



Link to the Intranet for the students