Certificate presentation and award ceremony on July 5, 2024

Dr. Kaspar giving the keynote speech Prof. Freitag with graduates of the master's program Civil Engineering Prof. Freitag with graduates of the master's program Engineering Structures
Dr. Frank Kaspar, Deutscher Wetterdienst, giving the keynote speech

Prof. Steffen Freitag with graduates of the master's program Civil Engineering

Prof. Steffen Freitag with graduates of the master's program Engineering Structures
Prof. Freitag with graduates of the master's program Mobility and Infrastructure

Prof. Freitag with graduates of the master's program Water Science and Engineering


Prof. Cermak with graduate of the master's program Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Prof. Steffen Freitag with graduate of the master's program Mobility and Infrastructure Prof. Steffen Freitag with graduates of the master's program Water Science and Engineering Prof. Jan Cermak with graduate of the master's program Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Prof. Cermak with graduates of the master's program Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics Prof. Jochen Kolb with graduates of the master's program Geoecology and Geography

Prof. Kutterer honores doctoral researchers


Prof. Jan Cermak with graduates of the master's program Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics Prof. Jochen Kolb with graduates of the master's program Geoecology and Geography Prof. Hansjörg Kutterer honors doctoral researchers
Dr. Mattern with winner of the DYNAmore award D. Reiserloh presents the ARCADIS Award
Prof. Dietsch presents the "Freunde der Versuchsanstalt für Stahl, Holz und Steine e.V." Award
Dr. Steffen Mattern, DYNAmore GmbH, presents the DYNAmore Award 2023 to Felix Rutsch, Matthis Schrempf und Maximilian Tillmanns Dietmar Reiersloh, ARCADIS Germany GmbH, presents the ARCADIS Award to Ruben Stemmle Prof. Philipp Dietsch presents the "Freunde der Versuchsanstalt für Stahl, Holz und Steine e.V." Award to Alexander Weese
Prof. Kutterer presents the Ehrensenator-Huber-Award Prof. Kutterer presents the Tulla-Medaille Prof. Kutterer presents the Franz und Alexandra Kirchhoff Stiftung Award
Prof. Hansjörg Kutterer presents the Ehrensenator-Huber-Award to Dr. Alexander Sternagel, Johanna Stähle and Carolin Friz Prof. Hansjörg Kutterer presents the Tulla-Medaille to Carolin Friz Prof. Hansjörg Kutterer presents the "Franz und Alexandra Kirchhoff Stiftung" Award to Paulina Braun


Some impressions