Eucor - The European Campus
5 universities, 3 countries,
1 campus
You can study at five universities within a radius of only 200 km along the Upper Rhine in Germany, France and Switzerland. The university network 'Eucor - The European Campus' comprises the universities of Basel, Freiburg, Haute-Alsace, Strasbourg and KIT. By enrolling at an Eucor university, you are automatically part of the Eucor network. This allows you to spend part of your studies at another university while staying in the region and at the same time you can clock up semesters abroad.
At our KIT-Department BGU you can choose between semester mobility and point mobility:
Semester Mobility
You can spend an entire semester or year full-time at a partner university and put together your own study plan. -
Point mobility
You can 'just' pick out single courses at another Eucor university in addition to your courses here at KIT. So look for interesting events at the other partner universities - some of them are even online, weekend seminars or block events on one or two days.
At the moment, this page with faculty-specific info is still under construction. Please check the Eucor pages at the International Office for more information.