What kind of work do civil engineers accomplish?
The civil engineer designs, plans, computates, builds, manages and maintains all kind of constructions, which are necessary for our society. To these belong especially domestic, business, administration and industry constructions, traffic ways (streets, bridges, tunnels, airfields, railway systems, waterways), water constructions (flood gates, dams), all kinds of energy plants, constructions for environmental protection (aquifers, drainage constructions, purification plants), constructions for catastrophe protection and much more.
Civil engineers must think integral and accommodate social, environmental and economic aspects. They deal almost always directly with people and thus they must be capable to work in teams and have communicative abilities. Their advantage is their technical Know-how. Because of their wide activity spectrum they are called in most other lands as civil engineers.
In accordance to their wide activity field one can find civil engineers in very many branches. They are engaged in building companies, engineering firms, public administration, consulting firms, railway, post, assurances, enery industry, software firms, and because of their fundamental mechanics knowledge in machine industry and aircraft.
In all these branches civil engineers have often leading functions, being officials or clerical workers. Many civil engineers are self-employed and work in their own firms or as partners in consulting firms.
What about job prospects?
Job prospects are excellent! It should be shown in the following points:
The number of newcomers in the civil engineering in Germany has during the years vigorously declined. In 2001 the number of newcomers has stabilized, but on a very low level! The information is for the whole building industry alerting. Since 1997/1990 the number of newcomers in all kinds of universities declined at 40 %. It is especially dramatic in technical colleges and universities, where future managers are educated. This group of beginners has declined at almost 60 % in whole Germany in the considered period of time.
The major reason for the loss of applicants for a place at the universities are mostly negative headlines about the decline of building activity or the spectacular failures, but not the number of unemployed engineers. It is true, that the building branch has to put up with the reduction of investments. But that fact could not really surprise, because the reintegration of East Germany caused an unusual building boom, which had to fade away inevitably. The negative development, which was purely a German problem – in Europa and the whole world the figures are quite different – is in the meantime to the greatest possible extent abated.
The fact remains, that each 12th employee in Germany is directly or indirectly engaged in the building branch. The building industry remains a key national industry. With a 14 % share in the gross domestic product it is one of the most important branches of industry in Germany. However the building branch is at structural change, which demands a unanimous notion of all engineering experts and especially long-termed highly qualified personnel, it means civil engineers, who graduate from universities.
In the meantime the reduction of the number of beginners in civil engineering has forced all affected future employers to think about solutions. Newspapers wrote about the suggestion to give green cards to civil engineers, because inspite of the relatively large number of graduates and at the same time weakened economic situation of the building industry all graduates with a diploma were always employed in the labour market. Because the number of graduates will decline in the next 5 years dramatically, already now a big gap between the demand for civil engineers and the number of graduates is emerging.
Those who are now starting to study civil engineering, will find after their graduation a job mark, which could not be better!
How much do civil engineers earn?
The size of the wage depends on the fact, if the engineer is self-employed or employed.
For employees in public organisations resp. administration mostly age and family status play a determinant role. The engineer with a diploma, who graduated from university, is engaged in higher employment, which differs from the engineer, who graduated from Fachhochschule. The annual wages of beginners are in the range of 35.000 up to 45.000 Euro. Employees in very high positions earn nearly 75.000 up to 100.000 Euro.
Industry has similar wages. but one can move quicker to other positions. Those who have higher positions in large firms, earn much more than officials in similar positions. On the other hand officials usually have a better basic social guarantee. Those who are willing to work abroad can earn very well even in middle hierarchy levels.
Self-employed civil engineers earn - as a rule - good or very good, however have to work on own risk with self defined working hours. The wages of consultants, experts, planners, constructors, test engineers and similar groups are surely in the upper band of wages of academics. Though, there is no exact information about it.
Short: Civil engineers can compare their wages very well with those of other academic professions. But hardly one can find an academic group with such a wide field of chances for professional realization.
What speaks for studying civil engineering in Karlsruhe?
The oldest technical university of Germany, which is famous throughout the world, is situated in Karlsruhe. This leading position in all rankings is also proved by the major German weeklies Spiegel, Focus, Stern. There are perfectly equipped laboratories, large research establishments, top level computer equipment and a wide range of training, offer a perfect choice.
The location of the University of Karlsruhe is unique. In contrast to many other cities there is a connected University campus amidst the town, and still in the green (Kaiserstraße, the castle with the park, sports facilities, wildpark stadium) with short ways.
The supply of accommodation in Karlsruhe is good (Focus). At the beginning of the semester there is an inevitable shortage of accommodation in Karlsruhe. Thus it is recommended to look for accommodation beforehand. Usually the accommodation problems are quickly solved during the semester. The rental fees are in comparison to other numerous towns notedly moderate (in many beautiful old building the rental fee comprises nearly 5-6 Euro/ m²), moreover there are numerous student homes, which are run by “ Studentenwerk”.
Which attractions are in Karlsruhe?
Karlsruhe is a town with 270. 000 inhabitants, it is located in the green and has very good transport connections (high way, ICE-lines of the railway), as well as inner-city traffic and the famous local traffic lines (tram), which students can use with the so called Studiticket. The price for this ticket is 74 Euro for the complete semester. But everything in the town can also be reached by bicycle on bicycle-ways.
Karlsruhe is the centre of the technology region of the middle Oberrhein, which prospects are categorized as wonderful (Focus, Spiegel). The town and the region have a very pleasant climate (Oberrheingebiet=California of Germany), a high value of free time on the fringes of Schwarzwald, on the borderline with Elsass and large quarry ponds (large enough for yachting clubs). Besides, there is a wide supply of cultural highlights, for example the cinema Schauburg and “
Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie", many pubs to each taste – especially beer gardens for warm summer nights. Some northern types wonder, that one can sit here outdoors the whole night in a t-shirt.
How does the study run?
Introductory study period: Like the students of elementary school, who must learn to read before they can learn literature, the prospective civil engineers must learn the indispensable scientific basic background, in order to understand and work on the actual problems of engineering. The scheduled duration of this studying period is 3 semesters.
Special study: Here the basic information of different fields of civil engineering will be given. Students are concerned in this period with the tools of engineering work. Practical aspects play an important role in the courses and subjects. The scheduled duration of this studying period is 3 semesters.
Advanced study period and diploma thesis: This period lasts 3 semesters too and it is characterized by free choice of subjects, up to certain limits. At the end, after the completion of the diploma thesis students are awarded with the academic degree of Diplomenginieur in civil engineering.
Examination: All courses and subjects in all study periods are completed with an examination or other proofs. As all courses are modularized these exams take place after the classtimein the so-called exam time at the end of the semesters.They cover the subject of the taught course in the semester.
Promotion: During the so-called promotion thesis a scientific work, a dissertation has to be written independently. After its completion and after the doctorate examination the academic degree of doctor-engineer is awarded. Promotion is devoted to many different activities. The promotion time takes usually 4-6 years and runs in general with activities in teaching, administration, project work and research and correspondingly are fully standard and fullpaid. On purpose this is not a student position. Promotion is not possible at the Fachhochschule.
What is the everyday life of a civil engineering student like?
The easiest way is to demonstrate it in pictures:
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A lecture in the large lecture auditorium |
Students at the laboratory of building |
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Awarding with a certificate on 24.11.2000 | Excursion to the exhibition centre of Frankfurt |
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… within an “integrated project” |
Workshop for architecture students and civil engineering students
Form determination of light membrane structures
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Form determination with designed models | Correction of the form with the help of a computer model | Intermediate steps to a final form |
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Presentation of design ideas of the groups |
Excursion to the railway station Waldau in Stuttgart | Exposition of the results in the foyer of new building of civil engineers |
Which knowledge should I possess to become a civil engineering student?
To be accepted at the University of Karlsruhe, one needs first of all general qualification for the university entrance or an equal certificate (for example, final secondary-school examinations at the technical gymnasium, Berufscolleg or a similar certificate). Mathematics and Physics specialized courses are not necessary, because the knowledge, indispensable for the study will be entirely taufgt in a corresponding combination. More important is the desire of the students to study and learn, as well as motivation, endurance and interest for technical issues.
Who can provide me with further information?
The centre for information and consulting ( zib) offers publications about the studies of civil engineering.
(zib-information booklets for download in pdf-Format)
If you have difficulties, problems or questions concerning the studies, you can ask for information the assistant of the department, the dean or academic tutors and certainly Fachschaft (it stands for the students of civil engineering).
Whom can I ask at the beginning of studies, if I have questions?
Fachschaft is the best address for information at the beginning of studies. Your representatives are students of civil engineering themselves and that is why they are well informed. Moreover Fachschaft organizes in the first semester weeks the so called “Orientation phase”, at which you should necessarily take part. For this orientation phase there is a booklet with many valuable tips. Where you can find Fachschaft and with whom you can speak, is presented on the homepage of “Fachschaft”.
In addition to that there is zib at your disposal. …).
Are there possibilities to work during studying?
There are many such jobs. Firms and offices of Karlsruhe search often for students. Especially attracting are surely the jobs of the so called junior assistant scientists (abbreviation Hiwi) or tutors at the various institutes of the department. The advantage of such jobs consists in the opportunity to learn the organisation of the university, it also provides the insight into research and interesting projects, the possibility to carry out activities, which are also very useful for own studies and it allows to find first contacts beyond the students.
Regularly it is possible to arrange the time of weekly working hours, and thus to adjust to individual needs. Doing this HiWi job, the earns are about 7,50 euro/h. The civil engineers' Department of Karlsruhe belongs to the most active in research in Germany, thus there are always enough contracts and jobs, in order to employ “hiwis”.
How can I finance my studies?
If the income of your parents does not suffice to finance the studies, you can apply for governmental support. This financial support is called “Bafög” and can constitute maximally 600 Euro. There is the so called “Bafög-office”, which determines the sum you could apply for. More information can you acquire from zib.
If you cannot rely on Bafög, because the income of the parents is too high, and on the other hand you do not want and are not able to be a burden for your parents, nothing else remains to be done as to work during studying. For this there are numerous possibilities in Karlsruhe. It is certainly advantageous to search for a Hiwi-job (see the question to jobs). But you should not overlook, that expenditure of time may result in prolongation of the studies duration. Thus what concerns working alongside with studying, one should be careful with the expenditure of time.
Naturally there are also scholarships, which are financed partly from foundations, and partly from public funds. More information can be acquired from zib. Some scholarships are bounded to specific institutes. Thus one should check for offerings or web-sites.
Although numerous prizes for advanced achievements in studies are given at the department, it is not possible to finance any study on such a basis.
Can I temporarily study abroad?
Yes, of course, students experience it rather frequently! In most cases students study abroad for one year. It is advisable to do this within the semester or the year following the intermediate examination. Mostly visited countries are the USA, Canada, Australia; other interesting countries are Scandinavia, England, France and Spain.
There are even many scholarships and exchange programs to finance such stay abroad. Thus there emerge real chances to get a corresponding place. It depends naturally also on the studies achievements of the applicant, in other word on his marks. But do not worry: one need not have a claim on Nobel Prize, to be accepted.
The studies achievements, performed abroad are in general acknowledged. In cases of doubt it is advisable to discuss that with the professor in Karlsruhe befor leaving for the foreign country. Some students perform also their diploma projects at universities abroad which should be organised together with the corresponding institute in Karlsruhe.
Can I mingle with firms already during the studies?
That is quite possible, and for that there are many ways.
Within the studies so called course projects and diploma project should be done. These duties can be carried out in corresponding firms, organizations or engineering offices. Mostly organizations suggest Professors topics of projects. It is also possible, that students take themselves the initiative and propose topics.
Such contacts between students and organizations sometimes result in the employment of the student (young graduate engineer) at the firm.
Furthermore in each semester numerous colloquiums and seminars take place in various institutes of the department, in which engineers report about different topics from their practical experience. Also in such cases there is a good chance of establishing contacts.
Finally many professors have tight contacts to many companies, they are willing to help you either.
Where can I get further information?
Information material is available especially at zib and various Institutes.
Where can I apply for studies?
Studienbüro of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology